16 July 2014

say Anything often enough or punctuated by authority and/or conviction, and someone is BOUND to believe you...

There is nothing I find quite as satisfying as the crafting of a beautiful and balanced sentence that means absolutely nothing.  But this is a rarified art.  The words, once lined up even in a random procession, cling to each other in desperate pretense begging to be understood. Juxtaposed, the words cannot evade the influence of one another.  Like planets or moons under the sway of each other's gravity, the syllables must become there own solar system.  They inhabit a discrete logic in conference with each other;  like stars aligned by the ego-centric inhabitants of this blue planet, they constellate their meaning.  Just as astronauts and astronomers can see the false coherence of the map proposed, writers know instinctually to distrust the mesmerizing sway of their vocabulary.  They know the slippery nature of these stars that fall with momentary brilliance, illuminating everything, before descending inevitably into darkness.  They bring the deep shade of space and its nothingness with them.  Brief candles, they are lies that fire the imagination.  False truths.  False gods.  False hope.

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